Mit der Ankündigung der Giga TV Box hat Vodafone alle Horizon Boxen in die Lava des Schicksalsberg geworfen.

Did you know that there are millions of TV boxes in the world right now being used for Kodi? And that's counting Matricom boxes alone! Obviously, we can't count the boxes that we haven't sold, but the number is incredible and is growing every… Kodi TV Boxes: Choosing the BEST box for Kodi in 2020. Add to Cart.Giga TV löst Horizon ab - GigaTV Cable Box 2 ab sofort Standard bei Vodafone in NRW, Hessen und BW 17:45 Uhr von Jochen Wieloch Ab sofort ist die GigaTV Cable Box 2 von Vodafone auch in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Hessen und Baden-Württemberg das Standard-Gerät für den TV-Empfang. User rating, 3 out of 5 stars with 2 reviews. TiVo - Stream 4K UHD Streaming Media Player with Google Assistance Voice Control Remote - Black.